The encanto quiz is a popular quiz developed by the Encanto Welfare Society, a NGO based out of India. It is an interactive and informative quiz that helps people learn more about their cultural heritage and history. The quiz is made up of a series of multiple choice questions with questions from specific regions like India's North East, West and Central regions.
The aim of the Encanto Quiz is to help people gain knowledge about their respective culture and history. It also aims to address issues of identity and belonging within the Indian diaspora, by providing users with knowledge related to their region or diaspora group. The quiz also offers interesting facts on topics like architecture, food, costumes, music, art and much more. By taking the quiz you can learn more about your culture while gaining an understanding of different identities within the Indian diaspora.
The Encanto Welfare Society has been running the Quiz for several years now as part of its community engagement initiatives. The Quiz usually consists of 10-12 questions each focusing on different aspects of an Indian region or diaspora group. It can be taken in any language making it accessible for all who participate in the initiative.
The aim behind this initiative is to create an understanding among younger generations about their own identity and ethnic background that can help them feel more connected to their roots as well as expand their knowledge towards other communities' cultures. This will eventually lead them towards building better relationships amongst other communities existing within our society today.
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